This posting is just for announce that I’m moving my personal blog to a new domain. The main reason of this movement is because my previous blog had been disabled without any clear reason by Dreamhost. I don’t know if this because of my posts lately which maybe quite offensive to some people or just a coincidentally disabled by another reason. My previous posts archive have been saved and will be restored in another blog of mine which will be in public blog service like wordpress or blogdetik. You will also read my previous posts which are archived at Indonesian Muslim Bloggers aggregator.

I’ll make a brand new image for my future blog posts which are will be more simple-but-artistic-look, educative, valuable for common readers, may be more bilingual (bahasa and English, maybe Arabic too… hohoho). In this end of sha’ban month, I want to say my biggest apology to everyone I know, or maybe socially knowing me on internet, or if any, some peoples I’ve been hurting with my previous blog post. I hope with new ramadhan month coming soon I can learn more to make benefit for others with my blog post, not only some ‘just so so’ posting or melancholic curhatting (is there any equal word for it in English?). Thanks for every input, suggestion, and also critics from post comments, facebook, mailing list, personal email. I hope I can do better blogging in my new blog.