Creative Stop Smoking Ads (3 of 4)
To tell you the truth, I don’t believe that even the most creative anti-smoking advertisement can make you quit smokingafter you see it. It’s just not how the things work.
When a smoker runs into another anti-smoking ad, often the reaction is – “yes maybe it is cool, but it won’t make me quit – it’s a waste of time and money”. Well of course, one single ad won’t change your mind in a second, but it does create the awareness that smoking is a BAD thing, and when a message is being repeated over an over again – it find its place somewhere deep inside your unconscious mind.
It takes time, but some day it may build up, and it will seem as though as YOU have an idea – “smoking is really a stupid thing to do, I quit!”. What may seem as your own idea, could be a huge job of those creative antismoking ads you used to see everywhere.
So, if you want to help those hooked on smoking, make this list of “Top 40+ Creative Ads Made to Stop You Smoking” VIRAL. Digg it, blog it, share it on Facebook, give thumbs up on StumbleUpon, etc.. – the more people will see it, the more people we will help.
Smoking is harmful to your breath
(via boredpanda)
“Smoking is harmful to your breath. National Committee Against Tobacco”
Agency: TBWA, Paris, France
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Advertising Agency: NeogamaBBH, Brazil
Reduces weight
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Touchstone Advertising, Mumbai; Aditya Uphadayay, Kailash Chaudhari, Shoeb Shaikh, Raju Gawde
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Agency: Everest Brand Solutions, India
Smoke Demon
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Roughly: “What people call a puff, the bible calls something else.”
Advertising Agency: Neogama BBH, Brazil
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“Agency: GMASCO Marketing Communications, Dubai, UAE”
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The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. passivesmokingkills .org
Advertising Agency: CHI and Partners, UK
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“Everything you do affects your chilfren. Stop smoking with Nicorette.”
Advertising Agency: Draftfcb Kobza, Wien, Austria
Non-Smoking Pub
(via boredpanda)
“The First Non-Smoking Pub in UAE.”
Creatives: Jaywant Dabholkar, Porus Jose, Tushar Mahajan
(via boredpanda)