To tell you the truth, I don’t believe that even the most creative anti-smoking advertisement can make you quit smokingafter you see it. It’s just not  how the things work.

When a smoker runs into another anti-smoking ad, often the reaction is – “yes maybe it is cool, but it won’t make me quit – it’s a waste of time and money”. Well of course, one single ad won’t change your mind in a second, but it does create the awareness that smoking is a BAD thing, and when a message is being repeated over an over again – it find its place somewhere deep inside your unconscious mind.

It takes time, but some day it may build up, and it will seem as though as YOU have an idea – “smoking is really a stupid thing to do, I quit!”. What may seem as your own idea, could be a huge job of those creative antismoking ads you used to see everywhere.

So, if you want to help those hooked on smoking, make this list of “Top 40+ Creative Ads Made to Stop You Smoking” VIRAL. Digg it, blog it, share it on Facebook, give thumbs up on StumbleUpon, etc.. – the more people will see it, the more people we will help.


(via boredpanda)

“It’s called suicide because it’s your choice.

Give up smoking: 0 8008 700 700”

Advertising Agency: Mercury 360, Bucharest, Romania | Published: December 2008

Non Smoking Area

(via boredpanda)

Advertising Agency: TBWA\Athens, Greece

Creative Director: Vangelis Vrouvas

Worst Side

(via boredpanda)

“Secondhand smokers are on the worst side of the cigarette.”

Advertising Agency: BDDP Unlimited, Paris, France

Second hand smoke

(via boredpanda)

“Second hand smoke in the home hospitalises 17,000 UK every year.”

Advertising Agency: Chi & Partners, London, UK | Creative Director: Ewan Paterson | December 2008

It’s murder

(via boredpanda)

“Smoking isn’t just suicide. It’s murder.”

Advertising Agency: DRAFT FCB + IDB

Just looking at them makes you sick

(via boredpanda)

“Cigarettes. Just looking at them makes you sick.”

Advertising Agency: JWT, Brazil

Poor swimmers

(via boredpanda)

An award winning advert for ASH depicting the effect of smoking on male fertility, created by Clear Marketing Communications: Writer: Andy Fenton and Art Director: Jason Chadwick

Carry on

(via boredpanda)

The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. passivesmokingkills .org

Advertising Agency: CHI and Partners, UK


(via boredpanda)


(via boredpanda)

Quick vs Slow

(via boredpanda)

P.S.: if you want to help those hooked on smoking, make this list of “Top 40+ Creative Ads Made to Stop You Smoking” VIRAL. Digg it, share it on Facebook, thumbs up on StumbleUpon, etc.. – the more people will see it, the more people we will help.